And yet, there are numerous bureaucratic challenges that come with access to such funds, which make it difficult for some businesses to gain access.
GCB Malta Ltd has intimate knowledge and understanding of business grants that cover a wide range of fields both on a national and European level.
As an EU Member State, Malta has acquired a substantial amount of EU funding that has been used to assist business start-ups and general growth. Our team is constantly searching for new opportunities that can benefit your business and support a healthy growth strategy.
We provide a full grant support service that includes drafting of application forms, submission of documents, and liaising with the relevant authority during the entire application process.
EU Funding can be a great resource for your business, and you should not let the lengthy application process discourage you from applying. We also publish a period list of ongoing open grants to our clients, so make sure to sign up for more information.
Tenders issued by Maltese governmental entities are open to the general public, which means that local and foreign businesses can use these as a resource to bolster their strategic growth.
From our experience, most companies do not apply for tenders due to a variety of reasons including:
GCB Malta Ltd believes that every business registered in Malta may be eligible to apply for tenders, and we can provide support throughout this process.
We have assisted several clients in applying, vetting, and submitting specific tenders. This includes full preparation and meeting with individual clients where we discuss critical information such as prices and technical details that can make your tender application stand out.
Both EU funding and tender by Maltese governmental entities are vital to your company’s growth strategy. These resources can give a much needed boost to your business, and pair very well with our management reporting services which are key tools in driving continued business development.